Teller Window Protection

It is one thing to protect yourself with thick walls and locked doors, but tellers must be able to view and communicate with their customers. This is where there must be a balance between security and the realities of working up front with the customer.
Teller windows are a point of high risk. The only thing standing between a teller and a possible thief or gunman is a glass window. According to the 2014 FBI Report, a total of 3,961 bank robberies, burglaries, and larcenies were reported in the U.S. during 2014. CJ Buffer bulletproof film can help protect tellers from injury in any of these situations. Applying our film we keep the teller same from the glass breaking or smashing. If you desire a bullet-proof option this would need to be applied on 1/2 inch annealed glass or thicker. For greater protection see our complete line of bullet-proof Glass products.
It should be pretty obvious why it’s a good idea for bank tellers to consider using bulletproof film as part of their overall security. Our bulletproof film is affordable and can give employees a peace of mind as they go about their jobs.Up Next: Protect Your Commercial Glass from Burglary and Theft >>